Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Twilight Idol

Even the Ghosts want a piece of Idol action!

Its the Hungry Ghost month for the chinese and the holy month of Ramadhan for the Muslims, time is ripe for some spooky tales and ghostly happenings, and this time, it happened to one our very own. Two in fact, am counting the Blogger as part of the Idol family mah!

As many of you may know, Caldecott Broadcast Centre has long been touted as haunted (as are many old buildings). And the Training School where there Idols spend most of their time is said to be one of the most haunted (hearsay of course).

Last Saturday, after the roadshow, Group 1 contestants were scheduled for their vocal training sessions at 6.30pm.

This spooky story was told to me by our very own Official Blogger.

At about 7.30pm (twilight*!!!), one of the Top 24, got locked out outside the building because she forgot to bring her pass and her handphone (alamak!). She'd gone out to reception to buy a drink because for some unknown reason, the vending machine at Training School was shut down (and this machine is always on k...I wonder how it got shut off? *cue eerie music*)

After about 15 minutes of waiting, a kind MediaCorp staffmember opened the door for her and she finally rejoined the group.

At about 8pm, her mobile starts to ring. The number that's flashing is Izked (Idol Official Blogger). She picks up the call and Izked tells her he's locked outside, and to come open the door for him. (Seriously, why do our passes all not work on that door?)

She goes to open the door, but Iz isn't outside. She braves the dark and opens the other entrance by the dark toilet, and he isn't there either.

Then, as she walks past the vocal training room, she sees Iz sitting inside.

OK, start freaking out. Another Top24-er who was with her confirms Iz was inside the vocal training room all the time.

When the door to the vocal training room opened (its closed during each individual's session), our freaked out Top24-er rushes in to ask Izked if he'd called her on her mobile just now.

Nope. He didn't.

A quick check on his mobile shows no record of any made calls in the last half hour. Last call made was to Jannah over an hour ago. Iz had been inside the whole time recording Ryan's session on his camera.


Our poor freaked out Top24-er shows Iz the phone, and there is indeed a record of 'his' call to her. When asked if the voice on the phone sounded like him, she said it was kind of muffled and mumbled, and it was a quick call.

Poor girl was in tears from this episode (which is why her identity is not revealed).

We hope she's alright now and will always remember to go anywhere in crowds when at Caldecott Hill.

Izk just posted his first hand account of the 'ghostly encounter!'.... go read his story CLICK HERE!

xoxo, s.

*twilight is known be the witching hour for many cultures. It is the transitional time between day and night. Muslims believe that the time between the prayer times of Maghrib (7+pm) and Isyak (8+pm) serves as a portal for ghosts and lost souls. This time coincides with twilight.

ps. I've heard numerous ghost stories from Mediacorpers. I generally RUN through Mediacorp when its dark and I'm alone.

pps. Its IDOL DAY today! So don't forget to tune in tonight at 8pm to catch the first group of 12 perform! And then VOTE like siao! Only 6 will go through tonight, results show at 10pm.

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